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Press Releases
Apr 07, 2022

An update on Diagnostic Imaging Services and Addressing Waitlists at Headwaters Health Care Centre

The pandemic has had far reaching impacts on health care, including affecting wait times for many diagnostic imaging procedures. Throughout the pandemic, Headwaters was required to reduce services several times to comply with government guidelines restricting diagnostic imaging to only urgent and emergent cases. As a result, Headwaters – like hospitals everywhere – is now working hard to reduce the backlog.

There are many appointments that have needed to be rescheduled, and we have a plan in place to do that. We are working closely with physicians’ offices to ensure that patients are reassured they haven’t been forgotten and that appointments are being scheduled as quickly as possible.

Our plan includes extending operating days and hours, hiring additional staff to ensure full shift coverage and enhancing our booking system efficiency. While we know that waiting for an appointment at Headwaters or seeking service elsewhere is a personal choice, best made in consultation with a specialist, we will do everything we can to ensure that our patients health care needs are met in a timely fashion. Obtaining health care close to home is always more comfortable than to have to seek it elsewhere.

We appreciate the patience and support our community has shown throughout the pandemic. Our staff have continued to work hard to provide the excellent health care we are known for and will continue to do so as we address the lingering effects of the pandemic on our services.

We are thrilled to have received new diagnostic imaging equipment that will support our focus on meeting the needs of our patients by enhancing our ability to provide services.

A new Thyroid Update System helps diagnose concerns with the thyroid gland such as hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism and their causes. As part of its unique technology, the system also contains a component called the Well Counter which is a safety feature used daily to measure radioactivity.

We also recently installed one new mammography machine with advanced imaging capabilities including tomosynthesis and stereotactic biopsies (3D imaging), which will enable Headwaters to improve breast screening and provide better care for a growing number of patients.

In addition, two new ultrasound machines have been installed and are now in steady use. We are proud to have some of the most modern diagnostic equipment available, thanks to incredible support of our communities who given generously to the Headwaters Health Care Foundation.

Anna-Marie Sutherland, Vice President Patient Experience, Health Integration and Chief Nursing and Health Disciplines Executive