Entertainment and Education
Entertainment & Education
Newspaper and books
Local and national newspaper boxes can be found just inside the main entrance doors as you enter the hospital.There are three lending libraries containing previously read books available. For a small donation to support hospital services and programs, you are welcome to select any book you like.
The libraries are located:
- Main lobby – beside the Coffee Bar (Café)
- Lower level – outside Health Records
- Lower level – outside E-Wing
Public televisions are located, free of charge, in the cafeteria, in the Emergency Department, Day Surgery Waiting Room and Diagnostic Imaging waiting rooms.The Hub (Integrated Beside Terminal)
More than just a television or a source of entertainment, our integrated bedside terminals – named The Headwaters Hub (or The Hub for short), have benefits for patients, families and staff. The Hub is part of our commitment to online integration of shared tools, replaces the older model televisions and includes:
- Access to basic hospital information and wayfinding
- Access to daily plans
- Access to patient charts
- Access to additional health educational information
- Ability to send comments or feedback to the hospital or to a specific member of the care team
- Ability to complete a patient experience survey online at any time during a hospital stay
- Daily rental - $17.25 (includes tax)
- 4-day rental - $46.00 (includes tax)
Contact Us
100 Rolling Hills Drive
Orangeville, ON
L9W 4X9